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Ancient Egypt Magazine

Volume 8 issue 1 August/September 2007

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Statues of Akhenaten

AE looks at the many enigmatic colossal statues of Akhenaten surviving from his temple to the Aten at Karnak.

Ancient Egyptian Technology

In his third and final article on ancient technology, Denys Stocks shows how the ancient Egyptians had mass-production techniques for cutting and carving the hardest of stones.

Queen Tiye

Marshall Hindley recounts the life and times of the Great Royal Wife of King Amenhotep III.

 New views of Luxor temple

AE reports on the recent civil engineering works,new excavations and conservation work at Luxor.

Anticipating Tutankhamun

An update on information about the forthcoming “Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs” Exhibition in London later this year.

From our Egypt Correspondent

Ayman Wahby Taher with the latest news from around Egypt, including exciting discoveries in and around the temples of Karnak.

The Dakhleh Oasis Project

In the fourth of a series of articles on the Project, Dr. Colin Hope tells readers about the Roman Period village of Kellis, located at the heart of the Oasis.

Per Mesut: For younger readers

This issue Hilary Wilson looks at ancient Egyptian picnics.


 Per Mesut - for younger readers

Book Reviews Netfishing
Book Reviews Index

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Exhibition Previews and Reviews

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Coming in future issues of ANCIENT EGYPT

FREE DISC: “Tutankhamun – a Glimpse into the Tomb”

Images of the Valley of the Kings and a selection of the treasures from the Tomb.

 – Excavating and Recording Tutankhamun

Using photographs and detailed record cards that are now kept in the Griffith Institute in Oxford, Jaromir Malek will look at how Howard Carter recorded the clearance of the Tomb of Tutankhamun.

– Egypt on Film

A behind-the-scenes look at a new large-format film on Egypt, about to be released in the UK.

– The Goddess Maat

A look at one of the most important, and perhaps overlooked deities in ancient Egypt.

– The Gayer Anderson Cat

Neal Spencer presents the surprising results of a recent detailed study of one of the British Museum’s best-known Egyptian antiquities.

– Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs

Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Zahi Hawass, looks at the stunning exhibition arriving in the UK later in the year.

– The Dakhleh Oasis Project

The fifth in our series of articles on work in the Dakhleh Oasis; the results of seasons of excavations and what they can tell us about life in the oasis.

– News from Egypt

An increased number of pages for our News from Egypt, with reports on a number of significant discoveries, including the uncovering of new tombs, wooden statues and coffins at the ancient site of Saqqara.

Plus Reviews, Society Contact Details, Events, Per Mesut, Netfishing etc.

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