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Ancient Egypt Magazine

Volume 7 issue 1 August/September 2006




News from Egypt

Egypt Correspondent Ayman Wahby Taher on the lastest news from Egypt. Included in this issue is the major discovery of a hoard of gold cartouches bearing the name of Thutmose III in the Temple of Karnak, and news of the project to lower the ground water in and around the temple  of Karnak and Luxor.

Hedgehogs in ancient Egyptian art

Magda van Ryneveld explains why the humble hedgehog features so often in ancient Egyptian art.

Menkaura’s anthropid coffin

A wooden coffin found in the pyramid of Menkaura bears the king’s name. But was it really his? Paul Boughton investigates.

Harvesting a pharaoh

An unexpected discovery in the Eighteenth Dynasty tomb of Anen at Thebes brought a lost painting back to life. Lyla Pinch-Brock describes how.


Clothing culture: dress in Egypt in the first millennium AD

Frances Pritchard reports on a new exhibition at the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester.

The New Tomb in the Valley of the Kings

Another update from Roxanne Wilson, a member of the excavation team, on the recent discovery and the progress made in clearing the small chamber.

Vivant Denon’s "mysterious cache"

Marriane Luban reports on the activities of one of the first collectors of Egyptian antiquities, at the end of the eighteenth century.


Friends of Nekhen News

Renée Friedman looks at the decorated tombs at Hierakonpolis, whose inscriptions and decoration can tell us so much about life in the city in Dynastic times.

Two Sphinxes of Amenhotep III in St Petersburg

 Per Mesut - for younger readers

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Coming in future issues of ANCIENT EGYPT

– KV63:

AE brings you the fourth installment of the account of clearing the tomb in the Valley of the Kings and its fascinating and intriguing contents.

– Dying to be Egyptian:

Elisabeth Kerner examines some lesser-known funerary monuments in London, in the cemeteries of Brompton , Putney Vale and Abney  Park.

– The Ancient Stones Speak: Reading Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

In a series of three articles Pam Scott offers an approachable introduction to reading hieroglyphic inscriptions on monuments and museum objects.

– Ancient Egypt and The Bible:

Michael Tunnicliffe looks at the many Biblical references to Egypt and discusses their interpretation in the light of the archaeological records.

– Images of the Rekhyt from ancient Egypt:

Kenneth Griffin looks at the many representations of the rekhyt bird and their symbolic meaning.

– The Tomb of Harwa at Thebes:

Chris Naunton looks at the little-known but impressive tomb of Harwa, a high official of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty, in the Assasif on the West Bank of the Nile at Luxor.

– The Friends of Nekhen: Nubians in Hierakonpolis.

Renée Friedman brings readers her fifth report on work at the fascinating site of ancient Nekhen. Plus news from our Egypt Correspondent, reviews etc ...

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