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Ancient Egypt Magazine

Volume 6 issue 1 August/September 2005



The Oriental Museum in Durham

Karen Exell tells how the collection was formed and looks at some of the more important exhibits.


Who were Nefertiti’s Parents?

Marshall Hindley discusses the possible parentage of one of Egypt’s most famous Queens.


Replica Tomb of Thutmose III

Nacho Ares describes the project to create a fullsized replica of the tomb of Thutmose III, soon to be on display in Edinburgh.


Reconstructing the Face of Tutankhamun

A report from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities on the facial reconstruction of Tutankhamun following the recent CT scan.


Meryetamun at Akhmim

The story of the discovery and restoration of a remarkable colossal statue of Queen Meryetamun, daughter and Great Royal Wife of Rameses II, told by Ayman Wahby Taher.


A river full of water ... but was it safe to drink?

Jo Morris investigates where the ancient Egyptian obtained their drinking water.


Dressing Nefertiti: Ancient Egyptian Costumes on Television.

Egyptology Clothing Consultant Janet Johnstone describes the problems of designing reproductions of ancient costumes for television programmes and films.


Archive Image

Old and new images of the obelisk of King Senuseret I at Heliopolis.


Defending Egypt from Chaos: Rameses III and his Battles

Nicholas Wernick looks at the military campaigns of Rameses III, as detailed in his temple at Medinet Habu, to determine if he was truly one of the great warrior pharaohs.

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Preview of cover for issue 32 (October/November 2005)

Coming in the next issue of ANCIENT EGYPT 

– The Temple of Rameses II at Gerf Hussein

Martin Davies looks at the partly reconstructed temple, whose original location is now below the waters of Lake Nasser. Blocks removed from the temple have recently been relocated to New Kalabsha.

– The Royal Mummy Returns

Dylan Bickerstaffe investigates the story behind the much-publicised return of a mummy to Egypt from the USA ... but is it Rameses I?

– Tales from the Crypt

Cathie Bryan visits cemeteries in London to seek out the Egyptian influence on some of the tombs.

– A Victorian View of Egypt

Early photographs of Egypt provide a fascinating glimpse into the lives of both the Egyptians and the Victorian travellers. John Hannavy selects some stunning images, and looks at the stories behind them.

Plus many more articles and, of course, our Regular Features.


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